tirsdag 16. august 2011

enad ikke no?! / noting STILL?!

her sitter jeg og lager en god h2o blogg og så er den ikke sett av en enad eegang?? hvorfior DET??
/ here i am sitting and making a big good blogg about h2o and still its not SEEN?! why??

er lei meg for det.. / am sad and so sorry over thsi.. mermaid anja.. :(

onsdag 10. august 2011

some pick s / noen bilder :

and i hope theyll fall in taste.. / og jeg håper de vil falle i smak.. mermaidanja.. :D!

mandag 8. august 2011

another h2o awaiting day..

hi! arentthis blog seen YET?! well so much for it.. as if itll be any at it as its anotherone better thna thisone .. or is it?? we cant  know can we?? so let s see and wait and tell it around more .. allso i have a few small poems:

a poewr.. sum  scales.. all i see .. in   despires.. all i need and    adores .. all h2o .. all care and love bweeteen 2 ..  wasen `t it lasting ..?? or..??
alteast I thaugh so.. weerry much I taleast was on the   way to it in the sored and scard lil heart I taugh  so..? what now?? what to do..?? to sya?? to be like?? well who knows..
soaredness..!  :D! see i smile again...as before you and i..??


so touching!

a secret... so fine..

 a locket.. so mine..
 a stoned ile s way of metamorphosing all over i you..
 a syriad of things to do and see and say and sing and be!!
 yeah!! as itll be even with my h2o locket and MEEEEE!!
h2o & ME!

all  stone..
sssoooooooooo looooooooonggggggggggg!!

why??  whats the     reason to bother?? to evne as much as love and care??
whne such a big  lockte kept  secret s there  ??? sooooooooooo loooongggggggggg!!
what ever .. dosnet bother me.. my lokcteand me..

hope you all wil love these !1 :D!! mermaidanja.. :D!

onsdag 3. august 2011


am so sleepy and warm!! hope i dont have fevers ../ er SÅ trøtt og varm!! ber om at jeg ikke har fever ass!

aww,,,!!! have a cold..åååhhhhh!! / er fotkjøla ser dere..ehhhhhh!!

so what do YOU meand that allso loves h2o..??/ så vha er DIN mening somn bare ELSKER h2o??? wiwes are welcome! / synspunkter er velkomne!!

and h2o just add water si just SO coolk! i          swas a trailer for  season 4 at nick channøle was it?? at youtuber to fay.. / såg en trailer for sesong4 på kanal nikc var det??? på youtube i dag!!
:D! såg ut som det var av sesong 4 men likevel det BLIR en nr 4!!! / looked as it was from season 3 but still: it will and ShALL be more!!  :D :D!!
arent that just BEST!? /er ike det bare VETS?! allso: arent the grils jsut SO fione there they swim in the sesorts parts of this our favourite series??/ og: er ikke jenytnene bare SÅÅ fiiiiine der de svømmer i vannet i de som er av sånt i vår alles fave serie???

ist so you wnna mke both porms and tails of itt!! or buy one.. i have made  me
tails but i allso whanna buy me one so i have both types..
pitty thy at someplace s ive been checking at has a waaaayn TO big price tag fater MY  wallet you!! heheh  :O! / er så en verler etter å både dikte og alge seg hale!! det har                                         

jeg .. og skal kjøp meg en sånn

synd da at enklete pleasser had dem DEN altfor digre pris

lappa på etter

MI lommebok vertfall eheheh!!  :O!!
får lagre og gå og sove dsere!!b / better store and go sleep guys!! see tag!! / ser dere!! mermaid anja...

FINNALLY my 1st blog is up!!

hi all h2o just ad water lovers!! come and see my 1st new blog h2o just add water forever!!
here-- i wil put in news about h2o just add water the   series  as soon as i can find it aswell ass pic s and written stuff like poems and songs and much more..! enjoy!!
P.S :
allso dont forget to yoin !!
pps: its a few small rules to follow in here as well:
1: NO BAD language..
2: no shoutiw writin` with too much big ltters and ! s..

3: allways BE PLOITE and FRIENDLY to e  ashother nomatter hwo what skincoulor religion or others..
it is supoosed to be a kind spot in a other wisely sadly as it Is bad being webworld.
4: be good and NICE  with eachothers in ALL  aswell as ONLY putting in stuff here if YOU do thats COMPLETELY shure a 110% are REAL  from the  webplace you get it from..
we DONT whanna give our pc a hughe virus or such do  we eh??

 follow and OBEY theses small simple rules and wel have a GREAT BLAST of a time A.. :D!