mandag 8. august 2011

another h2o awaiting day..

hi! arentthis blog seen YET?! well so much for it.. as if itll be any at it as its anotherone better thna thisone .. or is it?? we cant  know can we?? so let s see and wait and tell it around more .. allso i have a few small poems:

a poewr.. sum  scales.. all i see .. in   despires.. all i need and    adores .. all h2o .. all care and love bweeteen 2 ..  wasen `t it lasting ..?? or..??
alteast I thaugh so.. weerry much I taleast was on the   way to it in the sored and scard lil heart I taugh  so..? what now?? what to do..?? to sya?? to be like?? well who knows..
soaredness..!  :D! see i smile before you and i..??


so touching!

a secret... so fine..

 a locket.. so mine..
 a stoned ile s way of metamorphosing all over i you..
 a syriad of things to do and see and say and sing and be!!
 yeah!! as itll be even with my h2o locket and MEEEEE!!
h2o & ME!

all  stone..
sssoooooooooo looooooooonggggggggggg!!

why??  whats the     reason to bother?? to evne as much as love and care??
whne such a big  lockte kept  secret s there  ??? sooooooooooo loooongggggggggg!!
what ever .. dosnet bother me.. my lokcteand me..

hope you all wil love these !1 :D!! mermaidanja.. :D!

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