onsdag 3. august 2011

FINNALLY my 1st blog is up!!

hi all h2o just ad water lovers!! come and see my 1st new blog h2o just add water forever!!
here-- i wil put in news about h2o just add water the   series  as soon as i can find it aswell ass pic s and written stuff like poems and songs and much more..! enjoy!!
P.S :
allso dont forget to yoin !!
pps: its a few small rules to follow in here as well:
1: NO BAD language..
2: no shoutiw writin` with too much big ltters and ! s..

3: allways BE PLOITE and FRIENDLY to e  ashother nomatter hwo what skincoulor religion or others..
it is supoosed to be a kind spot in a other wisely sadly as it Is bad being webworld.
4: be good and NICE  with eachothers in ALL  aswell as ONLY putting in stuff here if YOU do thats COMPLETELY shure a 110% are REAL  from the  webplace you get it from..
we DONT whanna give our pc a hughe virus or such do  we eh??

 follow and OBEY theses small simple rules and wel have a GREAT BLAST of a time A.. :D!

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